domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

Ejercicios tipo de examen- Unit 4 - 4th

Chicos de 4º.
Qué tipo de ejercicios van a entrar en la prueba?

Entra todo. El vocabulario de la hoja de comercios los señalados en la hoja que trae los dibujitos de los comercios también.

Ante un dibujo como el del ejercicio 1 de la página 49  (que no tendría ni el ordinal ni su abreviatura escrita) del Students Book, completar unas frases con el ordinal y su abreviatura correspondiente.
Frases del tipo:
The supermarket is on the ------- floor.
What is the abbreviation for the floor of the clothes shop? The computer shop is on the ------- floor. Where is the chemistry? The florist, pet shop, and market are on the ------- floor. The boutique and shoe shop are on the ------- floor. On which floor are the restaurants?

Uso de a/an
  1. I saw ____ elephant at the zoo.
  2. She wants to be ____ engineer when she grows up.
  3. He bought ____ car last week.
  4. They live in ____ old house near the park.
  5. We need ____ hour to finish the project.
  6. She ate ____ apple for lunch.
  7. There is ____ university in our country.
  8. I read ____ book about history.
How much is it? O How much are they?
Ante un dibujo de varios productos como este poner como preguntaríais por el precio
the ball, the big teddy bear, the doll, the robots
How much is the ball?
How much is the big teddy bear?
How much is the doll?
How much are the robots?
Escribir un pequeño diálogo en una tienda. Usando How much is it? Y How much are they?
Os voy a dejar el enlace a un vídeo con una conversación típica para que podais no solo practicarlo para este writing sino también para el speaking de la próxima semana.

Teneis que picar en este enlace y pedirme que os lo comparta, en cuanto vea el mensaje y os lo acepte os llegará un correo para poder acceder a ese vídeo.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2024

Ejercicios tipo examen- 6th Unit 4


Una tabla en la que se tegan que completar los verbos que entran para las tres formas.


Become- Became- Become

Sing-sang- sung

Completar con "do" o "make"

Completa las siguientes oraciones con "do" o "make" según corresponda:

  1. I always ______ my homework after school.
  2. Let's ______ a cake for her birthday.
  3. He didn't ______ his bed this morning.
  4. She needs to ______ yoga to relax.
  5. We should ______ a plan for the weekend.
  6. They ______ their best in the competition.
  7. Can you ______ lunch today?

Time Expressions Exercise

Instructions: Refer to the June Calendar below. Complete the sentences with the correct time expressions based on the events listed.

Use the following phrases where appropriate: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Saturday, the day after the concert, two days before the exam, three days after that, a week ago, three months ago.

Assume that "Today" is Day 2 of Week 2. Tuesday.

June Calendar












Cinema night


Beach day




Concert night




Visit grandma



Judo class





Picnic in the park




Bithday party


Complete the sentences:

  1. I went to the dentist ____________.
  2. We watched a movie at the cinema ____________.

Ordenar frases en pasado.

Escribir sobre el Pasado

Escribe 5 oraciones en pasado simple para alo que hiciste en pasado ( por ejemplo, tu último verano, tu ultima fiesta, tu ultimo festival, tu ultimo viaje....

martes, 16 de abril de 2024

Ejercicios unit 4- Tipo examen. 5th


  • vocabulario de la unidad. +


  • Write the adjectives in brackets in the Comparative form.

  • John Lennon was (OLD) __________ Paul McCartney.

  • Some people think the Met is (GOOD) ___________ the Louvre.

  • Eric was (AFRAID) ______________ in Harlem _____ in the Subway.

  • Cats are (NICE) ___________ dogs.

  • Cartoons are (GOOD) _____________ music programmes.

  • The Empire State is (BIG) _____________ the Chrysler Building.

  • Barcelona is (SMALL) ________________ Madrid, but (BIG) ___________ Valencia.

  • Write the sentences in the correct order.

  • are / than / faster / Cars / bikes.

  • interesting / is / than /more / History / Maths.

  • than / is / exciting / New York / Albany.

  • than / funnier / Comics / magazines / are

  • Japan / expensive / the / country. / is /most

  1. The children are running _______ the lake.
  2. The tunnel goes _______ the hill.
  3. People walk _______ the bridge.
  4. You can't walk ____________ the lake.

Write the plural of:
  1. Cat
  2. Church
  3. City
  4. Leaf
  5. Wolf
  6. Bus
  7. Party
  8. Baby
  9. Mouse
  10. Man
  11. Woman
  12. Child
  13. Sheep
  14. Tooth
  15. Fish
  16. Box
  17. Class
  18. Glass
  19. Fox
  20. Bench
WRITING. Escribe frases que comparen a estos dos animales, o a estas dos personas.
Acuerdate que deberas usar el verbo to be y el verbo to have got.
  1. The cheetah is a carnivore and lives in the savannah.
  2. The koala is a herbivore and lives in the forest.
  3. The cheetah is faster than the koala.
  4. The koala is smaller than the cheetah.
  5. The cheetah has got longer legs than the koala.
  6. The koala has got thicker fur than the cheetah.
  7. The cheetah is more active than the koala.
  8. The koala is quieter than the cheetah.