jueves, 18 de abril de 2024

Ejercicios tipo examen- 6th Unit 4


Una tabla en la que se tegan que completar los verbos que entran para las tres formas.


Become- Became- Become

Sing-sang- sung

Completar con "do" o "make"

Completa las siguientes oraciones con "do" o "make" según corresponda:

  1. I always ______ my homework after school.
  2. Let's ______ a cake for her birthday.
  3. He didn't ______ his bed this morning.
  4. She needs to ______ yoga to relax.
  5. We should ______ a plan for the weekend.
  6. They ______ their best in the competition.
  7. Can you ______ lunch today?

Time Expressions Exercise

Instructions: Refer to the June Calendar below. Complete the sentences with the correct time expressions based on the events listed.

Use the following phrases where appropriate: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Saturday, the day after the concert, two days before the exam, three days after that, a week ago, three months ago.

Assume that "Today" is Day 2 of Week 2. Tuesday.

June Calendar












Cinema night


Beach day




Concert night




Visit grandma



Judo class





Picnic in the park




Bithday party


Complete the sentences:

  1. I went to the dentist ____________.
  2. We watched a movie at the cinema ____________.

Ordenar frases en pasado.

Escribir sobre el Pasado

Escribe 5 oraciones en pasado simple para alo que hiciste en pasado ( por ejemplo, tu último verano, tu ultima fiesta, tu ultimo festival, tu ultimo viaje....

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